AIRTRUST is not manufacturer-bound
Actually, we're not.
We do not offer you products and knowledge of a certain manufacturer, because we have to achieve sales figures.
AIRTRUST offers you services and articles that relieve your cost center as the operator of a compressed air system.
AIRTRUST is oriented towards maximum energy efficiency. There is no room for individual manufacturer interests.
Minimization of the energy expenditure for compressed air & maximization of the availability of compressed air
Is it not the case that we as consumers are far too often guided by the interests and solutions of broad-based producers and that in reality the interests of the customer are probably not at stake?
We offer energy efficient products from the best sources and that means reliability, availability and energy cost reduction of your complete compressed air system.
In the sense of minimum life-cycle costs, maximum energy efficiency, and maximum operational capability of the operator's production facilities. Because that's what counts.